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  • Writer's pictureTeesha

What Does He Eat for Breakfast?

Breakfast should be really simple and quick but filling and, breakfast in my house is just that. Most mornings we wake up around 7:30 and then we cuddle and talk for around 30 minutes. I know it doesn't sound as though I'm talking about a one year old but my son acts a lot older, he can say a few words but even when he talks 'baby language' I still converse with him, I just assume what he's saying and talk back. It works, try it!

Like any toddler, my son has good days and bad days. Some days he will eat his breakfast like the good boy he is and other days, he wants to see how far he can caterpult it across the room; I prefer his good days. Just like me, Mekhi is a fussy eater so I try to change up his breakfast daily to keep him interested.

Here are a few pictures that can hopefully give you some ideas.

Cheesy grilled hard dough bread with fruits (mango and blueberries).

Fruit salad (Red & White grapes, Peach, Strawberry and Blueberries with a side of toasted Hard Dough Bread fingers.

Weetabix, Strawberries and Peaches.

Oats in coconut and almond milk with mixed berries (Strawberries and Blueberries)

Peach, grapes and some organix biscuits, followed by cow and gate muesli.

Feel free to try any of these and let me know if your little one enjoyed.


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