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  • Writer's pictureTeesha

Incredible Edible Bag Scheme - LEAP

Hi everyone, 

This week I am talking about the amazing Incredible Edible Bag Scheme! 

Incredible Edible LEAP have organised a bag scheme research project which aims to deliver fresh fruit/vegetables to families for six weeks (or more) to allow them to have a healthier diet because they understand how difficult it may be for some families to access fruit and vegetables. By accessing this surplus food, it prevents food going to waste too. You can't argue with that, can you? 

Incredible Edible LEAP aim to better the family eating experience so each week we meet up and have discussions about what we liked/disliked and whether it helped our families eat healthier. We are given ideas about how to get the children involved too. 

Week one's 'goody' bag consisted of: Carrots, Thyme, Sugarsnap peas, Mushrooms, Red Peppers, Red onions, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Curly Kale and Chilli. 

I was given two recipes to try out but I was able to make so much more. 

Here's a few exaples of the food I made:

Baked Chips

- Sliced potatoes

- Added small amount of Rapeseed oil

- Pinch of Sea Salt and Pepper to season 

Veg Tomato Pasta

- Cooked and blended carrots, onion, mushrooms and tomatoes. 

- Add to your pasta of choice and serve. 

Cucumber and Lettuce Salad. 

Kale and fruit smoothies. 

By blending my vegetables I am able to give my son all the nutrients he needs whilst hiding it all within the food (toddler's pick out everything!) 

Chef Nena (Natural Chef) also taught me to keep all the offcuts in a freezer bag and when you have enough you can cook it down and make your own homemade stock cubes. The longer you cook it down, the more concentrated they'll be. 

I look forward to my next bag. 

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