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  • Writer's pictureTeesha

The Power of Saying YES

Hey guys,

Mekhi is growing up so fast, I don't know where all the time has gone. Mekhi has always been quite independent, a few months ago he enjoyed playing on his own but as he's getting older he loves having company. As its usually just me and him I hear the words "Come on Mummy" followed by a little hand in my direction. As cute as it sounds, sometimes we are so busy doing things, we don't make as much time as we'd like for our children.

A while ago I was watched Shonda Rhymes' Ted Talk entitled 'My Year of Saying Yes' and in it she speaks about making time for her little ones and it really resonated with me. She spoke about how sometimes, we are so busy doing things and we don't make time to play with our little ones. Shonda started to say 'yes' whether she was busy or not and I tried the same with Mekhi and its made such a difference.

When I hear my little yogi speak those words, I take his hand and follow him. Most of the time he just walks me into a room in the house and then says "bye mummy" and walks off and plays alone in my company (which i find extremely cute) but sometimes he'll take me to play with him and because he's young, after around 5 minutes, his attention goes to something else and I'm no longer needed.

I'm not perfect. I work. I study. I volunteer. I'm busy just like everyone else. I'm tired too but when Mekhi says those words, I try my hardest to follow through. 

These are the moments he'll remember. 

These are the moments I cherish. 

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