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  • Writer's pictureTeesha

10 Fun Facts About Mekhi

Hey Guys,

I thought I would post some facts about Mekhi as I haven't posted as consistently as I would like and he's growing so quickly. 

1. Mekhi is named after my grandad and brother. His middle names include my grandads first and my brothers middle names; they are two of the closest and biggest male models in his life. If Mekhi grows up to be anything like either of them, I'll be happy. They all have an extremely close relationship and I look forward to watching the bond get stronger. 

2. He loves Dinosaurs at the moment and can even name some of them.

3. He loves being in water; splashing and swimming. Mekhi used to have really bad eczema so although we wanted to, we could never take him swimming but his skin has cleared so we've started taking him and he's making so much progress. 

4. His socks have to be on his foot perfectly or he cries and asks "what happened mummy?" I think he gets this from me, but we have to make sure his socks fit perfect.

5. Most children have a teddy or blanket that they carry around but Mekhi finds comfort in my headscarfs; its the cutest thing. He has two in particular that he carries around with him and his favourite one belonged to my nan so it's special. When he was younger he couldn't pronounce 'headscarf' so he called it 'eebas' and the name has stuck ever since. 

6. He enjoys counting and spelling. He can count to 20 and back and spell his name. 

7. He snores! Mekhi snores so loud I didn't know it was possible for a little toddler to make so much noise in his sleep; I can hear him from my room sometimes. 

8. Mekhi loves trains! He loves it when we get on trains and makes sure everyone on the carriages know too. He likes tubes too and he really loves the children's train in our local park. 

9. He likes walking on grass bare foot. This one's really random but there's something about being bare foot that makes him so happy. He picks daisy's in the park too; mummy's little flower child. 

10. He loves babies! He loves cuddling and singing nursery rhymes his baby cousin. He's a very caring and nurturing boy and this side really comes out around younger children.

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